Enable Spruce Integration

To enable the Spruce integration, an admin on your account can do this directly in our Integrations section.

  1. Please refer to our Spruce Integration Overview to ensure you understand how it works and to confirm you want to enable it (spoiler alert: It's really simple 🙂)
  2. Find the Spruce card and click on it to expand the card
    1. This is only available to Akute customer's on our Growth plan or higher
  3. Obtain your Spruce API key from Spruce
    1. You must be on the Spruce communicator plan to have access to their API Keys
    2. Please message Spruce in the Spruce Support chat on their app if you need help finding/generating an API Key
  4. Copy the API Key from Spruce
  5. Paste the key into the text field in the Spruce card in Akute where it asks for the "Spruce API Key"
  6. Click "Turn On" to enable the integration
    1. If the API key is incorrect or if there are any errors, you will get an error response in Akute
  7. You're all set! Again, please refer to our Spruce Integration Overview to ensure you understand how it works

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