Enable Spruce Integration
To enable the Spruce integration, an admin on your account can do this directly in our Integrations section.
- Please refer to our Spruce Integration Overview to ensure you understand how it works and to confirm you want to enable it (spoiler alert: It's really simple 🙂)
- Find the Spruce card and click on it to expand the card
- This is only available to Akute customer's on our Growth plan or higher
- Obtain your Spruce API key from Spruce
- You must be on the Spruce communicator plan to have access to their API Keys
- Please message Spruce in the Spruce Support chat on their app if you need help finding/generating an API Key
- Copy the API Key from Spruce
- Paste the key into the text field in the Spruce card in Akute where it asks for the "Spruce API Key"
- Click "Turn On" to enable the integration
- If the API key is incorrect or if there are any errors, you will get an error response in Akute
- You're all set! Again, please refer to our Spruce Integration Overview to ensure you understand how it works