Refill requests/RxChange requests

These come from the pharmacy on behalf of patients (examples in screenshot below).

For example, if a patient requests a refill at Walgreens, it will often send the electronic refill request through Surescripts and we will receive the request electronically.

We will surface these requests via your Task Inbox. The tasks will say something to the effect of "X Refill Requests" or "X Change Requests".

Click on those tasks will take you to your pharmacy notifications page. Click on one of the options to see all the refill or change requests and choose which to handle.

Refill workflow will be as follows:

After sending a minimum of 5 new electronic prescriptions through Akute, Prescribers and Prescribing Agents become “active ePrescribers.” Active ePrescribers can receive and respond to electronic refill requests initiated by a Pharmacy in their Akute account. Only the latest refill requests for a prescription will be displayed. If a pharmacy sends a follow-up request for a prescription, it will not display as multiple requests.

Note: It may take some time for pharmacies to update their prescriber directories after a clinician sends 5 electronic prescriptions through DoseSpot. The amount of time will vary by pharmacy.

Viewing & Approving Refill Requests:

Replacing a refill request:

Denying a Refill Request:

Link Refill Requests To Existing Patients:

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