Transferring a prescription to a different pharmacy

To transfer prescription that was already sent to the initial pharmacy to a new pharmacy, a prescriber or prescribing agent must follow these steps:

  1. Go into the ePrescribe page for a patient by clicking +Prescribe in their medications tab
  2. Scroll down to Active Medications
  3. Chose Remove from the actions menu in the patient's active medication list
  4. Choose Cancel from the new menu that opens
  5. This will send a Cancel Request to the pharmacy that initially received the script
  6. You then need to wait for the pharmacy to respond to the cancel request and either approve or deny the request.
  7. You can go to the Inactive Medications tab to check the status of the prescription
    1. Here are definitions of the potential cancel status options
      1. Cancel Requested: The prescription has had a cancel requested by the clinic and that request was sent to the pharmacy. The prescription is pending the pharmacy's response.
      2. Cancel Pending: The prescription cancel request has been approved and is pending cancellation by the pharmacy. This is essentially the same as the cancel being approved.
      3. Cancel Approved: The prescription cancel request has been approved and has been cancelled by the pharmacy.
      4. Cancel Denied: The prescription cancel request has been denied by the pharmacy. Likely due to the prescription already being filled & picked up by the patient. The additional notes section may sometimes explain why it was cancelled.
  8. Once the prescription cancel request has been approved, you can safely Reorder the prescription to a new pharmacy by clicking in the Actions menu on the prescription in the Inactive Medications tab, then choosing Reorder. Or you can just start a new script through the normal process.
  9. Then choose A different pharmacy on the new menu and then OK
  10. Choose a new pharmacy to send the script to then click OK at the bottom of that menu
  11. Complete the prescription process as normal from this point

To transfer prescription that is in the pending medication list to a new pharmacy, a prescriber or prescribing agent must follow these steps:

You can change the pharmacy in the active med list page in DoseSpot. See our e-prescribe user guide here for more details (page 29).

  1. Choose the Actions menu for the prescription in the pending medication list, then click Change Pharmacy
  2. Choose a new pharmacy to send the script to then click OK at the bottom of that menu
  3. Complete the prescription process as normal from this point

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