Alias emails

When adding a new user to your organization, you might run into the following error message: "The email address is already in use by another account."

There are multiple reasons you might see this, but one common reason is they have used this email address to sign up for another organization that uses Akute. Akute only allows one email address per user, because otherwise we wouldn't be able to know which organization a user is attempting to access upon signing in.

If the user does not have a different email address they can provide for you to use when adding them, there's still a workaround using alias email addresses!

Let's use Sarah as an example. To create and use email aliases, you can add a plus sign (+) followed by any text to before the @ symbol. For example, if Sarah's primary email is, you can create an alias like or These aliases will still deliver emails to Sarah's main inbox, but Akute will treat them as unique addresses.

When adding Sarah to your organization, use one of these aliases instead of her primary email, but make sure to let Sarah know the alias address you've created for them. This allows Sarah to have separate Akute accounts for different organizations while maintaining a single primary email address.

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