Bulk Data Export from Akute

In the event that you need a bulk data export from Akute (for instance if you are closing your Akute account), then several actions need to occur first:

  1. Schedule an account closing date. Please reach out to support or your account manager to schedule this date.
    1. After this date, you will have access to Akute for 30 more days.
      1. If needed, we offer read-only access after the initial 30 days are completed for a small fee.
    2. Your data export will get executed on this account close date and will be available within 2 weeks.
  2. Port out your fax number(s) & voice/sms number(s)
    1. Your numbers will be released 30 days after your account close date. It is up to you to port them out if needed prior to this date.
    2. Fax numbers can be ported out by generating a port request from your new fax provider. They will send a request to us which we will approve. We do not provide CSR information for fax numbers.
    3. For SMS numbers, we can provide CSR information (Pin & Address) if needed.
  3. Prepare to receive the data export
    1. We will provide the following data sets:
      1. Entire patient list as a csv file
      2. Patient clinical data as CCDA files in XML format
      3. Patient notes as CCD files in XML format
    2. File structure as follows:
      1. zip file
      2. -> Directory names are patient IDs. Within each patient ID directory, contains:
        1. —> Zero to several files named CCD-note-{random_id}.xml which are the notes created for that patient
        2. —> Clinical data as CCDA-{patient_id}.xml
        3. —> All documents uploaded for the patient in the chart documents section from your clinic
    3. Data will be provided via either a Google Drive or Box link.
  4. In case the receiving party of this export needs the information, here is the terminal cmd to unzip the patient data file:
    1. mkdir {clinic_name};

      7z x -so {clinic_name}.tar.7z | tar xf - -C {clinic_name}

  5. We can only provide the data export once with all data exported. Please be prepared to import it as needed.

We will work to provide this data export as conveniently as possible to you. However, in an effort to provide a full data export that is clean, easy to import, and complete, we ask that you respect our timelines. Each data export takes manual work from our team and takes time, hence why we provide a 2 week timeline post account close date to provide the data.

We can provide a patient list sooner & more often if needed. All other data can only be exported once within the timelines above.

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